Group members

Dr Karen Robertson (; CMAC PDRA)


A graduate of the University of Aberdeen and with a PhD from Imperial College London, Karen joined the CMAC programme following a period as a Knowledge Transfer Fellow in the oil and gas industry.  Her work within CMAC involves developing and implementing new methods for flow chemistry and continuous crystallisation, include the bespoke KRAIC flow crystalliser, while also pursuing crystallisation of multi-component complexes of agrichemicals for physical property optimisation.

Dr Dyanne Cruickshank (; Leverhulme Research Fellow; M4 Project; NRF Fellow (South Africa, from Jan 2015)


With a PhD from the University of Cape Town, Dyanne joined the group as a Leverhulme Visiting Fellow, following a Fellowship at UCT.  While in Bath, she has been tackling the hosting of functional, switchable systems in a range of crystalline and non-crystalline environments.  Now part of the M4 project, in January 2015 Dyanne takes up her NRF Fellowship back in South Africa, which she will hold at UCT, while continuing to collaborate with us here in Bath.

Louise Hamdy (; 4th year PhD; EPSRC funded)


A graduate of the University of Glasgow, Louise's project is driven by both synthesis and structure.  Using her background from her Chemistry degree and her industrial placement experience at Sasol, Louise combines synthesis of metal-organic materials with extensive characterisation, using diffraction, thermal analysis, gas-absorption characteristics and catalytic activity assessment.

Kate Wittering (; 4th year PhD; CMAC / University funded)


A Chemistry graduate of the University of Bath, Kate is developing methodologies for the crystallisation of multi-component molecular materials in continous crystallisation environments, as part of the CMAC consortium.  She has major collaborations with CMAC colleagues from the Universities of Strathclyde and Loughborough, within her project that straddles chemistry and chemical engineering.

Charlotte Jones (; 4th year PhD; EPSRC funded)


Charlotte, a Bath graduate in Chemistry, is involved in the synthesis and characterisation of new molecular solid-state materials with optical properties. Using crystal engineering to design materials based on promising chromophores, Charlotte has focused on developing thermochromic materials, and is part of the M4 project.


co-supervised by Dr Lynne Thomas, M4 project, Bath

Anneke Klapwijk (; 3rd year PhD; CMAC DTC, EPSRC funded)


Anneke graduated from Bath in Chemistry with Management, and is putting those skills to good use in the multi-disciplinary CMAC consortium.  Her research programme focuses on control of disorder and use of additives in controlling solid-form properties and particle atttributes in multi-component molecular systems.

Lucy Saunders (; 3rd year PhD; joint funded by Diamond Light Source)


Having spent a year at the ESRF in Grenoble as part of her Bath Chemistry degree , Lucy is a joint student with the Diamond Light Source.  Her project studies molecular systems with short hydrogen bonds showing proton migration, and developing optimal ways of examining these, including synchrotron diffraction at Diamond (I19) and other sources.


co-supervised by Dr Harriott Nowell, Diamond Light Source

Lauren Agnew (; 2nd year PhD; CMAC DTC; University of Bath/EPSRC funded)


A Natural Sciences graduate of the University of Bath, in her work with  the CMAC programme, Lauren looks at targetting pharmaceutical polymorphs with desirable physical properties through multi-component templating, and their production in continuous crystallisation environments.

Jane Knichal (; 2nd year PhD; M4 Project, EPSRC funded


A Bath Chemistry graduate, Jane is part of the M4 team, developing new MOF materials for the hosting and control of metastable states.  Her work to date has focused on the synthesis and characterisation of a range of MOF systems using ligands designed for deployment in metastable systems.  Jane works closely with Dr Will Gee within the M4 project.


co-supervised by Dr Andy Burrows and Prof Paul Raithby, Bath

Alex Cousen (; 1st year PhD; CMAC DTC; University of Bath/EPSRC/CMAC partner funded)


Alex, a graduate Chemistry from the University of Bath, is part of the CMAC consortium.  Currently undertaking the DTC training year combining training across the CMAC disciplines with research, he is looking at scaling, control and yield optimisation in multi-component continuous crystallisation.

MChem and Project Students


Gerwyn Davies (Bath MChem), templated crystallisation of elusive polymprphs

Ruth Lunt (Bath MChem), additive control of solid form and morphology 

Eugene Ng (Erasmus, National University of Signgapore), flow assembly of metal-ligand complexes

Dan Scott (Bath MChem), optical properties of molecular complexes

Helen Spencer (Bath MChem), proton migration in complexes of proton sponges

Nathan Clissold & Maria Odyniec (Bath NatSci), molecular complex synthesis and characterisation


Associated group members Will (in the background left ) and Lynne (centre) at the recent SW BBF.

Associated members

Dr Lynne Thomas, Senior M4 Research Fellow

Dr Will Gee, M4 PDRA

Dr Lauren Hatcher, M4 PDRA


Group Leader Chick Wilson is part of a team awarded £1.5M EU ERDF funding for Sustainable Technologies.  The team is led by Prof Matt Davidson, of the Centre for Sustainable Chemical Technologies, and is a collaboration with the Univ Innovation Centre

Work led by Dr Karen Robertson and Pierre-Baptiste Flandrin has been featured by our industrial collaborator Vapourtec, with whom we have been working to develop capabilities for particle control within flow chemistry.

Lauren Agnew recently undertook a four-month secondment at Astra Zeneca as part of the CMAC industrial placements scheme.  Lauren writes about her experience here, and liked it so much she has recently taken up a position at AZ!

The group were well represented at the recent ISIC20 conference in Dublin, with posters from Lauren Agnew, Ruth Lunt and Lois Wayment, and Alex Cousen presenting a talk at the meeting. 

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